

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Nominated in The Liebster Award !

Hello everybody!

Hope you're having a great weekend so far! I had the chance to be nominated for the Liebster Award! Which I think it's kinda cool. So, here's quickly what it is all about! It's a way to get new bloggers with less than 200 followers  more recognition! If you get nominated, you must answer the 10 questions of the blog who nominated you. Then, you must nominated 10 bloggers and re-create 10 questions! It's so fun! Here's the rules ;

  • You must link back to the person who nominated you.
  • You must pick 10 bloggers to be nominated for the award with under 200 followers. 
  • You must come up with 11 questions for your nominees to answer.
  • You must go to their blogs and notify your nominees. 

Thanks to Rebecca from The Net Doll for nominating me! 
Read below my answers to her questions!

  1. What is the beauty rule you preach but don't practice?
    I think I do everything I feel it's important when it comes to beauty, well according to myself of course, but I do preach a lot the whole sculpting your face with a bronzer'. I think it's absolutely gorgeous, but for some reasons, it doesn't fit my face. I tried many times but yeah, it looks bad on me.   

    2. What made you want to start a blog? 

    Oh! That's a good one. The moment my family brought a computer at home it was like, bringing Narnia to our home. I got captivated by all the possibilities you have in one small metal box. The moment I got into writing/reading blogs and discussing things through some blogs was when I started reading books. I think I was 14 years old. I recently started this fashion/beauty blog because I was watching videos on YouTube. I just though, it would be cool to discuss it with people and so, here Leenatheunicorn was born! :)
    3. Who would you say is your style icon?
    I have many many style icons, but I always always swear by Zooey Deschanel. I love vintage/dorky outfits. I think it suits my personality very well. I also adore Taylor Swift's wardrobe. She always wear the nicest outfits. Audrey Hepburn is by far unbeatable, I love her. Elle Fanning's style is also very cute! 
    4. If you could fly to another country, which one would it be?
    I'm all about discovering new countries when it comes to go on a trip. But if I'd be stuck there for the rest of my life, I'll go for a safe choice. Paris has been the most beautiful place I ever been. The architecture is breath taking, the people are super kind and there's so many brands I love that was born in that city. So, Paris it is. 

    5. Would you rather fill your eyebrows with red lipstick every day or use dark grey eye shadow as blusher every day?

    What the heck? Haha, why would I do that to myself? Well, I guess I have to pick one! I think if I would put lipstick on my eyes it would always be super sticky and kind of annoying. So I'd go for the dark grey eyeshadow as a blusher. It would be weird and maybe looks goth but still comfortable huh?!

    6. What do you want to be when you're older?

    I'm already 20 years old, I don't think it's old but most people my age have an idea of their dream job or already have something going on. I think I'd graduate from my fashion school, and I'd like to have my own fashion line, and do collabs with my favorite brands, it would be absolutely amazing. Dream comes true!

    7. If you could have a makeover in the style of a celibrity, who would it be?

    I can't choose between Deschanel or Swift, both are so pretty! I think I'd go with Zooey, love her since day 1! 

    8. Are you into watching Youtubers? If so, who?

    I watch Youtube videos every single day of my life. Ok, almost every day but still, days I don't watch any, doesn't mean I don't watch hundreds tomorrow. So let's say every single day of my life! Anyway, I have tons and tons of favorites. But here's a quick list of YouTubers I get the most excited when they post a new video ; Zoella, Michelle Phan, Jenna Marbles, Sprinkleofglitter, Bobbyglam, Tanya Burr, Fleurdeforce, Chloe Morello... and there's so much more!
    9. What is your most worn item of clothing?

    I think I wear a lot of dresses, and the dresses I'm always wearing when I don't know what to wear is a skater dress, navy with little boats and anchors, and buttons on the front, short sleeves and round neck. I love that dress! 

    10. Which is your favorite well-known blog and which is your favorite not well-known blog?

    The blog I read the most, I think it's Sprinkle of Glitter and the not well known blog I think it's all of these blog I follow... I mean, I read every articles of every blogs I follow and I can't think of one in particularly, so let's just group hug!

    Now, here's my 10 questions I want my nominees to answer!
    1. If you had to buy your clothes from only one store for the rest of your life, which one would you chose?
    2. What is your favorite piece of clothes, why?
    3. What color would you like to have as your natural hair color?
    4. Which celebs do you fancy the most and why?
    5. Do you think it's possible to manage lovelife and work when you work with your husband or boyfriend? Would you mind working with your lover?
    6. If you could share a house with 5 other poeple, who would you choose? (You can choose whoever your want)
    7. Would you rather be a singer or an actor/actress? Why?
    8. If you had to chose between a makeup product to use for the rest of your day which one would it be? (You couldn't put anything else on your face than that!)
    9. Do you prefer having the perfect relation ship or the perfect job?
    10. Last but not least, if you could have the lifestyle and the face of anyone on the earth, who would you chose and why?

    That's all I could came up with, so if you don't like my questions, you can put an end on this 'game' but I think it's very fun to do and so it really gives some recognition I think. So Hope you don't mind being nominated by little me! Here's the list of poeple I want to know their answers! ;)

    I know I should nominate 10 blogs and not just 3. But I just want to nominate every readers of mine. I nominate the entire blogger society, can I do that? Let me know if you wanna be nominated, I'll put a link on this article, otherwise let me know if you already done that, link it I'd love to read it! Yes, I am that nosy!

    Ok well, see you very soon! Leena xx

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