
Monday, April 29, 2013

What's that blog about?

Hi everyone!

If you are reading this, I am utterly thankful. It means a lot. I started my YouTube Chanel. I post my first YouTube video. It's Bath&Body Works, LUSH and Sephora HAUL. Not many views, comments and thumbs up but I am still proud of what I did. For a first it's kinda cool I think! Also, I always wanted to run a blog but I never really got the braveness to do so. Today is my be-brave day! This is a girly blog, I will talk about products, personal life, make up, T.v shows...

If you have a blog, let me know! Comment, share, thumbs up! If you want to contact me, here is my personal email adress 

Hope you'll enjoy being on here!

See you soon! xx


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